車庫門彩鋼卷板是針對不同的車庫門類型設計和生產的,那么咱們如何才能選到適合的產品呢?Garage door color steel coil plate is designed and produced for different garage door types, so how can we choose a ...
車庫門彩鋼卷板是針對不同的車庫門類型設計和生產的,那么咱們如何才能選到適合的產品呢? Garage door color steel coil plate is designed and produced for different garage door types, so how can we choose a suitable product? 首先咱們先了解一下彩鋼卷板。 First of all, let's first understand the color steel coil plate. 日常生活中彩鋼卷板也稱之為彩涂卷板或者是彩色涂層鋼板,它是一種使在生產線上接連進行外表脫脂的帶鋼通過磷化等等化學的轉圖處理過程后,再將涂有有機涂料的帶鋼通過高溫烘烤后制成的產品,通常情況下,這種鋼板的外表都是具有光澤鮮亮的顏色,咱們也把這種鋼板稱作彩鋼板和彩涂板。它既有鋼板的機械強度和易成型的功能,又有有機材料的裝飾性,耐腐蝕性。彩鋼卷的涂層品種可分成:聚酯,硅改性聚酯,聚偏氟乙烯,高耐候聚酯,熟料溶膠。 Color steel plate in daily life is also called color coated plate or color coated plate, it is a kind of make on the production line appearance of strip through phosphorization and so on chemical processing process, and then will be coated with organic coating strip made by high temperature after baking products, usually, the appearance of the steel plate is shiny bright color, we also call this plate color plate and color plate.It has both the mechanical strength of the steel plate and the function of easy forming, and the decorative properties of organic materials, corrosion resistance.The coating varieties of color steel coil can be divided into: polyester, silicon modified polyester, polyvinylidene fluoride, high weathering resistance of polyester, clinker sol. 其次,咱們在車庫門彩鋼卷板的選購上,選擇彩鋼板的厚度一般為0.35mm和0.45mm就可以了,這個厚度的彩鋼卷板是性價比最好的,完全能滿足承載強度。 Secondly, we in the garage door color steel coil, choose color steel plate thickness is generally 0.35mm and 0.45mm, the thickness of color steel coil is the best cost-effective, can fully meet the bearing strength. 然后,咱們在選購車庫門彩鋼卷板時,不能光憑板材厚度判斷板材的質量,還需要消費者明確的是板材材質,回收鐵往往硬度很硬,但韌性卻較差,好的材料韌性和強度合適,這才是正確的判斷彩鋼板好壞的方法。 Then, when we choose and buy garage door color steel coil, can not only judge the thickness of the quality of the plate, but also need consumers to clear is the plate material, recycling iron hardness is often very hard, but the toughness is poor, good material toughness and strength is appropriate, this is the correct method to judge the quality of color steel plate. 最后,選擇好的彩鋼卷板生產廠家也是很重要的,佛山市萬慶物資有限公司絕對可以成為您的合作伙伴,我司成立已久,信譽保障,主營彩涂卷板多年,可為您提供合適你的技術分析,現貨充足,品牌加持,常備高光白、亞光白、磨砂黑、白灰色、閃灰銀等彩涂卷板,顏色亦可根據商家要求定制。 Finally, choose a good color steel coil manufacturers is also very important, Foshan Wanqing supplies co., LTD., can be your partner, our company has long established, credit protection, the main color coating coil for many years, can provide you with your technical analysis, spot, brand blessing, standing highlight white, white, matte white, matte black, white gray, gray silver color can also be customized according to the requirements of the merchants. |